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Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 7, 2017

Adreel Review – The only Animated Video Ads platform ever

Adreel Review – The only Animated Video Ads platform ever.
Official site: https://goo.gl/T1wmW6
A little bit of relief from the adreel review that occurred, but then I’m back to reality. I have a power bill, sewer and trash, internet, and rent for the new house due and I can’t pay it all. I’m in trouble and I was just evicted, I don’t want that to happen again. What do I do? This was really the push I needed. Back against the wall again, no hope of pushing through unless I make it work, and work fast. I would wake up at 7AM, cold call businesses while posting ads on craigslist. I started off calling on the east coast, and then moved to the Midwest and south, and then Mountain Time zone, and then west coast, and Hawaii. At around 10pm at night I was responding to ads on craigslist. It took a couple hours to go throu gh each city on craigslist. From around midnight to 3AM, I was emailing businesses. I started climbing out of a hole that I dug myself into. I started getting regular sales, some for $1,000 and up. Life was better. I was actually building something important. I was getting businesses across the country to trust me enough to pay me large amounts of money to someone they’ve never seen before. After a year of steady work… another disaster happens. PayPal freezes my account and holds funds for 180 days. I basically used PayPal as a bank account, paid bills with the debit card they gave me. Very bad situation I got myself into and I was late on rent, didn’t know what to do. It took a couple weeks to get setup with an actual merchant account and that was a disaster too. The day before I was going to pay rent from the new sales I got that I processed through the merchant account, I had a chargeback. There was no warning, and the money was taken from my real bank account. Another eviction notice was served. I couldn’t be mad, the land lord needs his money too and I wasn’t able to give it to him. I was doing very well and in an instant everything went down the drain. With the PayPal hold, I couldn’t deliver some of what was promised. Somebody put out a bad review an d a recent sale must have seen it after he paid me and then issued a chargeback. That’s the awful thing about negative reviews, all it takes is just one, a single bad review and then you’re hit with a snowball effect. Ultimately, I pulled out of that situation and went to the court date for the eviction, explained what happened and pulled out the money from my pocket showing that I can pay it right now. The landlord agreed, and the eviction was dropped. After court, he apologized, but there was nothing for him to apologize over. He needs money for the house I was living in, and I promised to pay rent when moving in so he had every right to do what he did. I apologized as well. Another month went by and I had decent sales. My truck needed work and took care of that to get it running again. Processed the biggest sale I’ve had, it was deposited into my bank account.Bailed a buddy out of jail, helped a few people out, and guess what happened? The merchant account pulled money from my account again, the full amount that was deposited, which added additional bank fees. The bank threatened to close my account, and the merchant account sent a letter saying that they will be holding all funds for 45 days from now on until I have a rolling deposit of $30,000. What do you think happened next? That poor man, the landlord dealing with all my misfortune had to file another adreel review. This time though, I wasn’t going to try to stay. Why make him deal with all this crap when he helped me out. I explained to him that it’s not my intention to fight him off on rent, that I’ve had tougher times than most people can imagine but to know that I will always pay. I think he truly knew that I would be paying him, but the issue was time, multiple times I have had problems that postponed rent being paid and it was unacceptable. It was now time to go house hunting again! I was trying to figure out how to avoid this problem so it doesn’t keep happening. I talked to my old boss, the owner of the publication and web design place I worked at before and he was telling me how he’s lost so much money because of paypal and merchant processing companies that he would never process a credit card again in his life. He told me about how he prints out checks from customers and deposits them into his bank account. No risk of holds, merchant fees, charge backs or any other funny business. I opened a new business bank account, started processing checks and paid 3 months of rent for the new house I was moving into it. All moved in and ready to go, I went to the court date for the eviction and the judge happened to be the guy that was great friends with my grandpa, and used to babysit me when I was younger. Since the papers had an error on it, he dropped the case and said since I’m already out of the property he would have to file a civil suit for any damages that may be there but we agreed he could hold the security deposit in order to completely drop it all and move on. Now that I was saving on merchant processing fees and all the issues that I had are now gone, I was able to grow my sales. I was able to grow my client base and scale up. I eventually moved into an office with a sales staff, I have multiple businesses, worked out deals with investors, and am now creating this e-book. My story isn’t finished. It never will be finished. My purpose in sharing this with you is to show that failure is a stepping stone. Perseverance is necessary to have success. I didn’t jump from one shiny object to the next; I kept on pushing through doing whatever it would take to succeed. adreel review is better than inaction. Preparations are not going to make things happen for you and usually the best preparations you can make are the ones that will help with an immediate need in your life. You can’t prepare for everything.

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Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 7, 2017


Official site: https://goo.gl/HWuJjt
So now that we know the power of content let's get into one of the big mistakes most
people make when they set out to create a lot of content online.
Now I could give you the best content creation tips in the world but if you don't go out
there and write content with a purpose than none of it will matter.
You need to know why you are creating content. Your content has to have a purpose.
Often times with online business most people go out there and start their business
without the end goal in storecentral review . They go out there and they start creating a lot of content
and don't focus on the big picture. They don't know what their end goal is. This is such a
backwards approach.
A prime example of that is how so many people go out and start a blog before they even
know what they are selling. They are just start a blog without a purpose.
Think about it this way. If you were going to start an offline business would you just go
out there doing work before you knew what you end goal was? Would you do it before
you knew how you were going to make money to pay the bills? Absolutely not.
And that is how you have to think about online business.
Your content is the avenue to get customers in front of your offers. Whether this is your
own products, affiliate products, or advertisements, it is your avenue to get them in front
of your 
storecentral review. If you don't know what those offers are then why are you creating
That is why it is so important to know these things up front.
Before you even think about writing content you need to know your purpose for writing
Write now you might be thinking "how do I do this?" It starts with a strategy and is the
next thing we will tackle.
Content Creation Strategy
It starts with a content creation strategy.
You have to have this strategy implemented right from the beginning. And I'm going to
be blunt here but if you don't know what you are selling or promoting then you are not
ready to create content.
You have to think about it this way. What is your business model? What is it that you
are offering or promoting?
And once you know that you can take a look at your business from the top down. It
starts with your highest level.
● High Ticket Offers
● Core products
● Low ticket products
● Lead magnets
And then comes in your marketing content.
All the pieces of content that you create will feed up into the bigger picture. It will feed
into your lead magnets, which feed into your low ticket offers, which feed into your core
products, which feed into your high ticket offers.
And right now you may not have all these pieces in place. And that's okay. But knowing
what you plan to have in your business model down the road will allow you to create a
content creation strategy that keeps those future ideas in mind.
Maybe right now you only have an ebook or two for sale on your website. Or maybe you
are only promoting affiliate products at this point.
These products and affiliate offers will lead your content creation strategy. This
essentially creates your content creation strategy for you as it becomes the driver
behind everything that you write.
We just talked about writing with a purpose and how important it is. When you do things
this way you will know exactly what you need to write to get your target audience. Once
And once you know that you can take a look at your storecentral review from the top down. It
starts with your highest level.
● High Ticket Offers
● Core products
● Low ticket products
● Lead magnets
And then comes in your marketing content.
All the pieces of content that you create will feed up into the bigger picture. It will feed
into your lead magnets, which feed into your low ticket offers, which feed into your core
products, which feed into your high ticket offers.
And right now you may not have all these pieces in place. And that's okay. But knowing
what you plan to have in your business model down the road will allow you to create a
content creation strategy that keeps those future ideas in mind.
Maybe right now you only have an ebook or two for sale on your website. Or maybe you
are only promoting affiliate products at this point.
These products and affiliate offers will lead your content creation strategy. This
essentially creates your content creation strategy for you as it becomes the driver
behind everything that you write.
We just talked about writing with a purpose and how important it is. When you do things
this way you will know exactly what you need to write to get your target audience. Once
Now this mindmap is actually much bigger than what you see pictured. As you can see
the many lines going down that you don’t see pictured. That is how many ideas you can
get by simply brainstorming your thoughts.
It can be done anyway that you feel most comfortable with. With brainstorming I like to
refer to it as a brain dump. You want to get out everything and anything related to your
topic and get it all out on paper.
Don't limit yourself to what you put down. At this point you want to brainstorm and put
down every idea and possibility you can think of. You want to get everything down. This
isn't the time to edit and refine. You will refine these ideas later...for now focus on
getting the ideas out and the creativity flowing

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Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 7, 2017

Pixal Evolution Review – Engage Your Customers with Unique and Beautiful Graphics

Pixal Evolution Review – Engage Your Customers with Unique and Beautiful Graphics

Official site: https://goo.gl/2QWUQn
Because it gives you a simple (and VERY profitable) way to grow your
own list.
And what happens when you have your own list?
You can send your subscribers to any offer you want, whenever you
want, wherever you want (yes, from the beach).
Think about that for a minute
If you need extra cash for your daughter’s birthday presentIf you
need a quick injection of cash to pay for your new vacationOr if you
just want a bit of extra spending moneyall you have to do is click a
few buttons and make it happen. :‐)
And it doesn’t need to take long either
In fact, you can build your list FAST.
My preferred method is by using Solo Ads. I can add 500 new
subscribers in just 24 hours. That’s 3,500 new subscribers every week.
That is a TON of traffic you can send to your affiliate offers.
And that's exactly how I made $12,000 in 70 days
Time for the big reveal
Using what you’re about to discover will allow you to build a massive
email list and make profits quickly.
And all you have to do is follow these 4 simple steps
1. Pick a CPA offer
2. Build your pixal evolution review
3. Drive traffic
4. Email your new list
Let’s go
Step 1: Pick a CPA Offer
CPA stands for ‘Cost Per Action’.
This means you get a certain amount of dollars per sale ‐ instead of a %.
For example, if an offer is paying $115 per salethen every sale you
make puts $115 into your pocket.
Much higher than your usual JVZoo & WarriorPlus (W+) commissions,
wouldn't you say?
And the best thing about 
pixal evolution review? There are NO refunds.
When you make a sale, you keep ALL the money.
That in itself makes this method so worth doing.
I personally use two CPA networks.
One of them only let's seasoned CPA marketers inthe other is a
private network that requires a referral to join.
And lucky for you
I can get you straight into the latter. ;‐)
Its called Cash Network.
It’s the best and most reliable Biz‐Op CPA network around. Period.
You’ll be paid every Friday ‐ like clockwork ‐ straight to your PayPal
And big numbers too
Using CN (Cash Network) I was able to generate $15,672.28 in just 3
So here’s what you need to do
Simply pick an offer from the Biz‐Op list. At CN they’ll tell you which
offers are converting best right now ‐ and you’ll even have your own
affiliate manager to answer all your questions.
But don’t spend too much time scoping out offers.
Because we gotta start building our list first.
Step 2: Build a Squeeze Page
I’m about to show you a squeeze page that I’m using to convert
between 40% and 55%...
So for every 100 people I send to my squeeze page, 40‐55 people will
give me their email address and see my CPA offer.
And it’s yoursfree
I'm including the squeeze page as a FREE bonus for you.
It's located in the .zip file that came with this product, in a folder called:
2‐Step Squeeze
Open that folder, and then open the index.html file in Notepad (PC
Users) or in TextEdit or TextWranger (Mac Users).
Don't be intimidated by all the HTML code.
All you have to do is edit 3 lines and you'll be up and running with this
powerful squeeze page.
In index.html, scroll down slightly, and you'll see the headline: Discover
How I Made $13,682 In Just 30 Days Using 100% Free Traffic From
Replace that with a headline that relates to your offer. Be specific and
bold with your headline.
Simply state the big bold promises of what's in it for them.
Then in index.html, scroll 1/3 way down, and simply replace this:
With your affiliate link or your link to your 
pixal evolution review  offer.
This becomes the "thank you" page after they click on the red button
on Step 3: Yes, Let Me In!
This way you can start making sales and commissions immediately.
And then to build your list, simply grab the web form code from
Aweber or Getresponse (whatever autoresponder you're using), and
scroll down about halfway in the index.html file, and replace this:
With your web form code from your autoresponder.


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Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 7, 2017

One Stop SEO Review – Formidable SEO Machine for Newbies

One Stop SEO Review – Formidable SEO Machine for Newbies
Official site: https://goo.gl/UqRCB8
The importance of knowing your perfect prospect… Earlier, you were introduced to a couple of old-style advertising resources that highlighted both the theory and the practicalities of advertising offline in the past. What we are now going to do is move this on a stage by looking at resources that are more focused on online advertising before demonstrating how you use your research results to create highly effective sales copy. To do this, I’m going to imagine that as your first assignment or commission, you’ve been asked to write a sales page for a digital information product focused on the (presently booming) acai berry weight loss market. This happens to be a product that someone else has created in this one stop seo review case but the principles of research and writing would be exactly the same if it was your own product. Having an example to use when demonstrating how to research your market properly is extremely important because when you create sales copy, you always do so with a very specific project and objective at the forefront of your mind. When you write sales copy, your sales page must be designed to appeal or ‘talk’ to the kind of people who are most likely to buy the product for which you are writing the copy. To take this one stage further still, many professional copywriters recommend that you should research your market until you have a very clear idea of exactly who the person is that is most likely to buy the product. Once you have done so, you then produce your own ‘identikit’ picture of the ideal individual customer for that product. By having a clear picture of your ideal prospect, it becomes much easier to write effective copy with this single individual firmly fixed in your mind’s eye rather than trying to write in a way that appeals to the faceless, amorphous mass that is ‘the market’. Isolating one individual ‘perfect prospect’ usually works incredibly well because as when you are speaking to another person face-to-face, it is always easier to make what you’re saying a perfect match for the needs of the individual than it is to say something that is 100% matched to the requirements of a large group of individuals. This is something that I always do and when I have my perfect prospect in mind, I raise it another notch by searching for and printing out animage of someone who looks very close to being the ‘person’ I have pictured in my mind. I then stick this as close to my monitor as possible so that every time I sit down to work on the copy, I never forget this person at whom every word I write will be aimed. So, the first research step is to establish exactly what kind of person makes up the target market for the one stop seo review for which you are writing the copy. The exact information that you need to create your perfect identikit picture will vary from case to case and situation to situation, but the following are some of the more obvious factors that you should consider when establishing who your individual perfect prospect is: Age: Gender: Family situation: Income: Location: And any other interests. You also need to establish whether there is any money being spent in the market that you are writing your copy for. Even though this is the kind of research that the product creator should have done well before deciding whether it was worth making the product or not, it helps you to establish how hard your copy is going to have to ‘work’ to generate sales. Although in the early days it is unlikely that you are going to be in a position to do this, after you have established yourself as a recognized copywriting expert, there may be situations where you turn down a commission because your research indicates that there is no market for the product in question. You might do this based on research into whether there is any money in the market. In my experience, it is far more profitable in the long run to be selective about the work you do than it is to accept everything that comes across your table, especially if instead of accepting a flat fee for your work, you are being paid based on results (which is something I will return to later). By the time you are in a position to be selective, you will also have a reputation to protect, so sometimes accepting an assignment for one stop seo review that is going to be very difficult to sell is not going to help your business in the long term.

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Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 7, 2017

Zen Titan 2.0 Review – Ideal Solution to Affiliate Marketing

Zen Titan 2.0 Review – Ideal Solution to Affiliate Marketing
Official site: https://goo.gl/hpSd77
The first question is... "What is Instagram?" Instagram was co-founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. During the early stage, in San Francisco, CA, began the development of Instagram. The name "Instagram" is a portmanteau of "Instant Camera" and "telegram". Instead of bored you with the *history* of Instagram, let's talk about the Key Event on Instagram History:
March 5, 2010: Systrom received $500,000 funding.
December, 2010: Instagram has 1 million registered users.
January 2011 : Instagram added Hashtags to help users add zen titan 2.0 review and added each other.
June 2011: Instagram has 5 million users.
July 2011: Instagram announced that there are 100 millions photos uploaded.
April 2012: Instagram has 30 million users.
April 3, 2012: Instagram was released for Android phones. It was downloaded more than 1,000,000 times in less than one day.
April 12, 2012: Facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion dollars in cash & stock options.
December 17, 2012: Instagram updated its term of services, granting itself the right to sell users' photos to third parties without notification and compensation. However, after criticism from National Geographic Society and privacy advocates, Instagram retracting the controversial terms.
January 2013: It was confirmed that Instagram has asked for photo identification as a form of verification due to unspecified violations.
March 2013: Emily White was appointed as the Chief Operating Officer for Instagram. Ms. White suggested that Instagram should start selling advertisement on its platform.
October 22, 2013: During the Nokia world event, Systrom confirmed the impending release of Instagram app for Windows phone.
December 12, 2013: Instagram added "Direct". It is the feature that allows users to send photos to specific people directly from the app. HINT: zen titan 2.0 review Direct feature is to compete against messaging services including Snapchat.
March 11, 2014: Instagram released an updated Android app with performance improvement and flatter interface. The primary update was to reduce the app's file size and resource usage, and it was optimized for and tested on low-end smart phones sold in emerging markets.
December 2014: Instagram has 300 million users.
If you are a savvy marketer especially when you value the important of having a list, Instagram has one of the biggest mailing list on the planet
aside from Facebook and Twitter. It means that by tapping into Instagram network as part of growing your business, you are indirectly tapping to one of the biggest countries in the entire planet. The question is NOT whether you should tap into it or not, but it is more into how you can attract massive traffic to your website. Well, as you progress through each step on this course, you will be able to see through what it takes to build your business around Twitter.
Chapter III: Instagram Page Instagram is focusing on photos-sharing and 10 seconds videos-sharing. It means that you or your company can post any activities occur in a real-time in the form of images or videos. It allows you to connect with your customers, develop your brand, and engage with your followers with a visual story. Why does business need to use Instagram? 1. Easier to grow followers compare to Facebook. 2. Less marketers are tapping into Instagram as they are way too busy with Facebook. -- HINT: Facebook owns Instagram. After 
zen titan 2.0 review owns Instagram in 2012, the number of Instagram user increased from 100 million to 300 million users. 3. Organic free traffic. -- As Instagram has not yet introduced its advertising platform, all the traffic is FREE. 4. You will reach all your followers. -- With Facebook, you will reach ONLY a portion of your audience with organic search. With Instagram, you will reach out to ALL your followers. This will help you maximize your exposure.

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Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 7, 2017

Backlink Machine Review – 1000s Backlinks with 1-click Wordpress plugin

Backlink Machine Review – 1000s Backlinks with 1-click Wordpress plugin
Official site: https://goo.gl/Gfm8uY
Try to incorporate examples for every major point you share. And don’t be afraid to share many more examples than that. I’ve never heard anyone complain to me before –
“Gosh, I wish you hadn’t made it so clear how to use this information.
I would have preferred to have no idea what you were talking about.” Give your readers as many examples as you can. Let’s move on. The “t” of w.r.i.t.i.n.g. is...
4. TRYto answer the infinite question. There is a one­word question that simply cannot be completely answered. Regardless of your response to this question, it can always be asked again to whatever you say. That question is, “Why?”
Imagine you are sitting in your living room with your 5­year­old
and you' ve j ust told him it' s time for him to go to bed. His
"Because you need to get some sleep. "
"Because it will help you to be refreshed for tomorrow. "
"Because God designed our bodies to recuperate while we are
asleep. "
"Because He' s God and He knows best. "
"Why?" Have you ever played that game before? So, another way to “improve your information W.R.I.T.I.N.G.” is to TRY to answer that question. You can carry out the “why” response and answer as long as you want. I personally use the “why” approach to writing at two specific times during the writing process that you may want to consider –
1) In times of RESISTANCE.Let’s face it, there are times when the words just aren’t flowing. Call it “writer’s block” or “lack of motivation” or whatever label you want to slap onto it, but the result is the same: we
get stuck. So, asking “why” is a great way to lower the bucket into the words well and get the ideas gushing again. When you find yourself not knowing what to write next, ask yourself “why” in response to the last backlink machine review you wrote. Answer. And repeat as often as you need.
2) In times of REVISION.When I look back at things that I’ve written (sometimes after a chapter or segment is completed; sometimes after the entire project is completed), if there are any areas where I think I haven’t explained the concept well enough, I’ll ask the question “why” which allows me to provide additional information in otherwise fuzzy areas. When you find yourself at a stopping place – a place of revision – take a look for portions of content that may need a deeper explanation and ask yourself “why” to prompt additional ideas. Now, what I want to do is give you an example in “real time”. I’m going to write this as I go. I haven’t thought this out at all. And I won’t revise it. What you’re about to see is a real example of how to use “why” to get ideas flowing.
Example: By questioning “why” you’ ll be able to improve your
backlink machine review writing.
There are a couple of good reasons –
You’ ll almost certainly come up with more things to write
about than what you originally outlined. That’ s what I’ m
doing right now as I write this.
Because we, as the writers of our small reports, know the
information we’ re sharing intimately, we often forget to
“connect the dots” for those who are reading our work. By
using the “why” question you’ ll find that you generally
explain things more completely.
Let’ s face it, it’ s almost impossible not to provide more
details when you begin considering the impact of “why” something
is what it is.
You begin thinking about the smaller details that often go
unmentioned which are so important to the process being
explained. Important steps and instructions are shared which
only provide further value to the reader.
That’ s important to satisfying your customer. Satisfied
customer = more sales in the future.
Let me explain it this 
backlink machine review : one of the biggest reasons why most
people fail in acting on the information they consume (did you
notice that I’ m using one of the starter sentences from
earlier?! ) is because the writer of the information left out
important details which led the reader to feel as if they were
unable to complete the process. So, they give up.
There are a variety of causes for writers leaving out relevant
details ranging from haste to poor outlining to assuming the
reader knows certain things in advance. I could go on and on and on like the Energizer® bunny.
Note:Just as a slight variation to this idea you could also repeatedly ask the question “how” if you want to do so. You’ll find that you end up explaining a lot more “steps” by asking it. Now, if I wanted to do so, I could just remove the “why” from the dialogue you just read and include it right here in the very section you’re reading and you’d have no idea that I ever asked myself “why”. All you’d see as the reader is a logical progression of thoughts that further explain the strategy I’ve identified in this section.
And that’s the point. When using this strategy, simply remove the “why” from your dialogue, polish up your organization as needed, and you’ve got some great content in place for your readers. That brings us up to the second “i” of the W.R.I.T.I.N.G. formula...
5. INSERTtwo additional sub­points. I call this the “power of 2”. The idea is simple –
For every point you have in your outline, insert 2 sub­points;
For each of those 2 sub­points, insert 2 more sub­points;
Repeat this process until you have ample ideas to write about. This is a great way to break things down into bite­sized chunks which (a) provides
your reader with every major detail they’ll need, and (b) provides you with an
easy­to­complete, fill­in­the­blanks outline. When you continue adding (at least) two sub­points to each of your existing points/sub­points, you’ll soon brainstorm and arrange almost everything you can think of related to the topic. Now, at first glance this may not seem like it’s that important. Fair enough. Let me walk you through an example to illustrate how effective this can be. And just to prove to you that it really works for ANY topic you might pull out of your hat, I’m going to use this simple technique on one of the most absurd topics you can think of – “How To Order A Pizza While Staying In A Hotel.” Stay with me here. Here’s my original outline for the above referenced small report

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Survay Review – Innovative Online Survey Platform

Survay Review – Innovative Online Survey Platform
Official site: https://goo.gl/TYpvvq
When you “work in content enhancers”, it will not only make your writing easier to complete, it will make your small report better when it is completed. That brings us up to our second strategy here, the “r” of W.R.I.T.I.N.G. is...
2. REFERto a starter swipe file.One of the things that you’ll find invaluable to you as an information writer is what I have labeled as a “starter swipe file”. Just to further prove that I “practice what I preach” about using definitions as “enhancers”, here is one .
When you “work in content enhancers”, it will not only make your writing easier to complete, it will make your small survay review better when it is completed. That brings us up to our second strategy here, the “r” of W.R.I.T.I.N.G. is...
2. REFERto a starter swipe file.One of the things that you’ll find invaluable to you as an information writer is what I have labeled as a “starter swipe file”. Just to further prove that I “practice what I preach” about using definitions as “enhancers”, here is one .
What an incredible resource this is for you! (It’s invaluable to me.) There are so many different “angles” represented in this list (the fastest way to do something,
ways to improve, shortcuts, schedules, questions, exercises, lessons, mistakes,
etc.) that you could mix­n­match and never stop coming up with ideas to write about in your next small report. Now, just to make certain you understand how to use these templates, let’s work through 3 of them together...Example: “The biggest mistake in ______ is ______. ”
If you were writing a small report on homeschooling, you might
use this template as “the biggest mistake in homeschooling is
choosing the wrong curriculum. ” You would then go on to explain
why that’ s the biggest mistake and how to avoid it.
Example: “The one question you must ask before _____ is _____. ”
If you were writing a small report on hiring a ghostwriter, you
might use this template as “the one question you must ask before
hiring a ghostwriter is ‘do you have references’ ?” You would
then write as many paragraphs as needed to explain why
references are important, address what the reader should look
for in a ghostwriter’ s references, and so forth.
Example: “Here’ s how to protect yourself from ______. ”
If you were writing a small report on “setting up a web site”,
you might use this template as “here’ s how you protect yourself
from FTC compliance penalties”. You would then explain ways to
avoid potential problem with unsubstantiated claims, hype, etc. You begin with one of the template sentences and, then, you simply take as many paragraphs as you need to thoroughly explain things. It’s a writer’s secret weapon, a cure for writer’s block, and a brilliant way to brainstorm ideas anytime you want all rolled into one. So, up next we have the first “i” of W.R.I.T.I.N.G., which is...
3. INCORPORATEexamples for major 
survay review. This is actually a “content enhancer”, but it is so important to your small report that I’ve chosen to give it a letter of its own in the W.R.I.T.I.N.G. acronym.Doesn’t it feel special?
I don’ t know of anything more useful to the education process of
a reader than providing information in such a way that she can
actually visualize how to use it in her own pursuits. Perhaps the best way to do this is to provide “examples” to illustrate your points, especially your major points. At this stage of the very small report you’re reading I’ve already shared 12 examples to clarify statements that I’ve made.
I recommend that you use at leastone example for
every major point you introduce in your small report. Examples do one very important thing that your small report can’t do without: they help the reader understand how the information you just shared can be applied in a useful setting. Examples do more than simply let the reader see what you’re talking about (although they do that too!). Examples let the reader see what you’re talking about in such a way that they grasp how they can actually do what you’re talking about. And that’s what they’re looking for.
Example: (You had to see that coming. ) If you’ re writing that
same small report on “weight loss” that we’ ve been referring to,
you might make the statement, “try to take extra steps
throughout the day. ” You might then say, “For example: Park as
far away from the front door of your office building, grocery
store, church, shopping center, etc. as you can to build in
extra steps. ” Just like that, you have important (if not necessary) content built in to your small report. As with all of the other “enhancers”, this allows you the opportunity to write MORE and create a BETTER 
survay review. I assure you, if there is one thing your readers will love you for it is this. Adding examples into your document is something I consider to be mandatory because of their usefulness.

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