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A little bit of relief from the adreel review that occurred, but then I’m back to reality. I have a power
bill, sewer and trash, internet, and rent for the new house due and I can’t pay it all. I’m in
trouble and I was just evicted, I don’t want that to happen again. What do I do?
This was really the push I needed. Back against the wall again, no hope of pushing through
unless I make it work, and work fast. I would wake up at 7AM, cold call businesses while posting
ads on craigslist. I started off calling on the east coast, and then moved to the Midwest and
south, and then Mountain Time zone, and then west coast, and Hawaii. At around 10pm at
night I was responding to ads on craigslist. It took a couple hours to go throu gh each city on
craigslist. From around midnight to 3AM, I was emailing businesses.
I started climbing out of a hole that I dug myself into. I started getting regular sales, some for
$1,000 and up. Life was better. I was actually building something important. I was getting
businesses across the country to trust me enough to pay me large amounts of money to
someone they’ve never seen before.
After a year of steady work… another disaster happens. PayPal freezes my account and holds
funds for 180 days. I basically used PayPal as a bank account, paid bills with the debit card they
gave me. Very bad situation I got myself into and I was late on rent, didn’t know what to do. It
took a couple weeks to get setup with an actual merchant account and that was a disaster too.
The day before I was going to pay rent from the new sales I got that I processed through the
merchant account, I had a chargeback. There was no warning, and the money was taken from
my real bank account.
Another eviction notice was served. I couldn’t be mad, the land lord needs his money too and I
wasn’t able to give it to him.
I was doing very well and in an instant everything went down the drain. With the PayPal hold, I
couldn’t deliver some of what was promised. Somebody put out a bad review an d a recent sale
must have seen it after he paid me and then issued a chargeback. That’s the awful thing about
negative reviews, all it takes is just one, a single bad review and then you’re hit with a snowball
Ultimately, I pulled out of that situation and went to the court date for the eviction, explained
what happened and pulled out the money from my pocket showing that I can pay it right now.
The landlord agreed, and the eviction was dropped. After court, he apologized, but there was
nothing for him to apologize over. He needs money for the house I was living in, and I promised
to pay rent when moving in so he had every right to do what he did. I apologized as well.
Another month went by and I had decent sales. My truck needed work and took care of that to
get it running again. Processed the biggest sale I’ve had, it was deposited into my bank account.Bailed a buddy out of jail, helped a few people out, and guess what happened? The merchant
account pulled money from my account again, the full amount that was deposited, which
added additional bank fees. The bank threatened to close my account, and the merchant
account sent a letter saying that they will be holding all funds for 45 days from now on until I
have a rolling deposit of $30,000.
What do you think happened next? That poor man, the landlord dealing with all my misfortune
had to file another adreel review. This time though, I wasn’t going to try to stay. Why make
him deal with all this crap when he helped me out. I explained to him that it’s not my intention
to fight him off on rent, that I’ve had tougher times than most people can imagine but to know
that I will always pay. I think he truly knew that I would be paying him, but the issue was time,
multiple times I have had problems that postponed rent being paid and it was unacceptable.
It was now time to go house hunting again! I was trying to figure out how to avoid this problem
so it doesn’t keep happening. I talked to my old boss, the owner of the publication and web
design place I worked at before and he was telling me how he’s lost so much money because of
paypal and merchant processing companies that he would never process a credit card again in
his life. He told me about how he prints out checks from customers and deposits them into his
bank account. No risk of holds, merchant fees, charge backs or any other funny business. I
opened a new business bank account, started processing checks and paid 3 months of rent for
the new house I was moving into it. All moved in and ready to go, I went to the court date for
the eviction and the judge happened to be the guy that was great friends with my grandpa, and
used to babysit me when I was younger.
Since the papers had an error on it, he dropped the case and said since I’m already out of the
property he would have to file a civil suit for any damages that may be there but we agreed he
could hold the security deposit in order to completely drop it all and move on.
Now that I was saving on merchant processing fees and all the issues that I had are now gone, I
was able to grow my sales. I was able to grow my client base and scale up. I eventually moved
into an office with a sales staff, I have multiple businesses, worked out deals with investors, and
am now creating this e-book.
My story isn’t finished. It never will be finished. My purpose in sharing this with you is to show
that failure is a stepping stone. Perseverance is necessary to have success. I didn’t jump from
one shiny object to the next; I kept on pushing through doing whatever it would take to
succeed. adreel review is better than inaction. Preparations are not going to make things happen for
you and usually the best preparations you can make are the ones that will help with an
immediate need in your life. You can’t prepare for everything.
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