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A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
Sharing images almost always works better than sharing links. You can see me doing
that very often on our Facebook.
For our List25 articles, we have images associated with each item sometimes. So, I
would share one image (sometimes I would customize an image to make it catchier)
and then I would add my link to the site. That way, every time somebody re-shares my
image, they’re also re-sharing that little text that’s at the bottom with a link. People are
going to click on that link and then go to my site.
I don’t see a lot of people doing that. Most people don’t realize that images have
better ranks in every system, especially Facebook. You have a higher EdgeRank, by
default, for an image. So images are more likely to show up in the news feed then a link
Repeat Sharing Images I always share the demio review first. Then maybe a day or two later, I re-share that link, but I don’t want to re-share the link itself, so I share an image from the link. Since there are usually 25 images in our articles, they could be shared 25 different times in 25 different ways. That way it looks like it’s a unique thing every single time.
Getting 100,000 Fans It’s really exciting to hit 100,000 likes, which only happened about twelve hours ago. It was a monumental achievement for us.
Content Strategy Most bloggers come out with one article a day. They’ll just post their link after link after link after link on their Facebook walls. They don’t interact with their audience. That causes EdgeRank to start going down. You need to share different types of content.For List25, we’re coming out with a new video once a week. We share that video on our Facebook. Then we share a link. We also share an image. Sometimes we mix it up with a question or a status. So it’s always fresh. That way, Facebook doesn’t see that we’re just pushing out the same exact type of content (lowering our EdgeRank). That’s absolutely crucial. Share interesting content day after day. I always like my own stuff on List25. Everything that List25 publishes, I automatically hit the ‘share’.
List 25’s Facebook Contest The key to our growth was the demio review that we ran. I did a detailed post on
WPBeginner on how we used WordPress and a few plugins to run this amazing contest. It pushed us over 30,000 fans in less than a month. At end of November, I asked, “How about we do a Facebook giveaway?” Ok. We decided to give away 25 $25 Amazon gift cards for 25 days, starting from November 30th to December 24th. The contest was so timely because it was around Christmas. We made it a holiday giveaway. If we held a contest at any other time, it could have looked like spam. People could purchase whatever they wanted for Christmas, using the gift card that we give them.
Facebook Ads We did Facebook Ad campaigns when we first started the contest. You need to get the word out to a few people somehow. Our budget wasn’t that much. I think it was five to ten dollars a day. We targeted the ads to the people to the younger generation who were interested in humor.
How the Contest Worked I set the contest up as the default landing page for anybody who comes to our Facebook page. To see what the contest was, you had to like our page. Then, in order for you to be qualified to enter, there was a little button that said, “Click here to share this contest and enter.” So, you clicked there and up came the text and the image I wanted people to share. Basically, the text said, “I just entered to win a $25Amazon gift card from List25,” and then there was a little description and a really cool image. They could also add their custom text if they wanted. Once you share that image, then you’re taken to a page that will tell you how to enter our contest. The entry would require you to give us your name and email. That means they’re subscribing to our email newsletter, which sends them daily List25 posts. So this was like a three tiered program that I was spending about $625 for. The contest got people to like List25, which automatically shows up in their friends’ news feed. But, liking a page has a very low EdgeRank, so it doesn’t show up on all of your friends’ news feeds. But, the contest also has the user share our page. So, now our EdgeRank just improves for that user. Once that user shares it, all their friends see it. So it just created this viral platform for us and by the end we had 30,000 fans.
Reaching Critical Mass The trick to demio review is that you need a certain number of fans in order for you to grow a lot faster. If you have 100 fans, you won’t be as viral as if you have 10,000 fans. 30,000 fans obviously brought us a huge reach. Today, we have a total of 100,643 likes. ‘Friends of Fans’ is also an important number. We have 35 million friends of fans.
Get Friendly I also got a lot of my friends to retweet it or like it. I also asked a few of my personal friends who I think have a good influence on Facebook, “Hey, I will take you guys out to a meal if you enter this contest and share it with all of your friends and invite all of your friends to like our page.” The meal was not going to cost me that much – $15 or $20 bucks a person at most. We’re not going to some fancy restaurant. So, I temporarily made them admins of my page and had them invite all of their friends. Only admins can invite all of their friends to join a page. The social connection on Facebook is very crucial. You would not ‘like’ something because a stranger tells you to do it. You are more likely to do it when a friend tells you to do it.So, that was a crucial aspect of how we grew so fast. As we produced content, it was much more viral because our total reach was so much higher. We just kept on building up and building up. I think now we’re growing at about 800 to 1200 likes a day. It’s insane.
Repeat Sharing Images I always share the demio review first. Then maybe a day or two later, I re-share that link, but I don’t want to re-share the link itself, so I share an image from the link. Since there are usually 25 images in our articles, they could be shared 25 different times in 25 different ways. That way it looks like it’s a unique thing every single time.
Getting 100,000 Fans It’s really exciting to hit 100,000 likes, which only happened about twelve hours ago. It was a monumental achievement for us.
Content Strategy Most bloggers come out with one article a day. They’ll just post their link after link after link after link on their Facebook walls. They don’t interact with their audience. That causes EdgeRank to start going down. You need to share different types of content.For List25, we’re coming out with a new video once a week. We share that video on our Facebook. Then we share a link. We also share an image. Sometimes we mix it up with a question or a status. So it’s always fresh. That way, Facebook doesn’t see that we’re just pushing out the same exact type of content (lowering our EdgeRank). That’s absolutely crucial. Share interesting content day after day. I always like my own stuff on List25. Everything that List25 publishes, I automatically hit the ‘share’.
List 25’s Facebook Contest The key to our growth was the demio review that we ran. I did a detailed post on
WPBeginner on how we used WordPress and a few plugins to run this amazing contest. It pushed us over 30,000 fans in less than a month. At end of November, I asked, “How about we do a Facebook giveaway?” Ok. We decided to give away 25 $25 Amazon gift cards for 25 days, starting from November 30th to December 24th. The contest was so timely because it was around Christmas. We made it a holiday giveaway. If we held a contest at any other time, it could have looked like spam. People could purchase whatever they wanted for Christmas, using the gift card that we give them.
Facebook Ads We did Facebook Ad campaigns when we first started the contest. You need to get the word out to a few people somehow. Our budget wasn’t that much. I think it was five to ten dollars a day. We targeted the ads to the people to the younger generation who were interested in humor.
How the Contest Worked I set the contest up as the default landing page for anybody who comes to our Facebook page. To see what the contest was, you had to like our page. Then, in order for you to be qualified to enter, there was a little button that said, “Click here to share this contest and enter.” So, you clicked there and up came the text and the image I wanted people to share. Basically, the text said, “I just entered to win a $25Amazon gift card from List25,” and then there was a little description and a really cool image. They could also add their custom text if they wanted. Once you share that image, then you’re taken to a page that will tell you how to enter our contest. The entry would require you to give us your name and email. That means they’re subscribing to our email newsletter, which sends them daily List25 posts. So this was like a three tiered program that I was spending about $625 for. The contest got people to like List25, which automatically shows up in their friends’ news feed. But, liking a page has a very low EdgeRank, so it doesn’t show up on all of your friends’ news feeds. But, the contest also has the user share our page. So, now our EdgeRank just improves for that user. Once that user shares it, all their friends see it. So it just created this viral platform for us and by the end we had 30,000 fans.
Reaching Critical Mass The trick to demio review is that you need a certain number of fans in order for you to grow a lot faster. If you have 100 fans, you won’t be as viral as if you have 10,000 fans. 30,000 fans obviously brought us a huge reach. Today, we have a total of 100,643 likes. ‘Friends of Fans’ is also an important number. We have 35 million friends of fans.
Get Friendly I also got a lot of my friends to retweet it or like it. I also asked a few of my personal friends who I think have a good influence on Facebook, “Hey, I will take you guys out to a meal if you enter this contest and share it with all of your friends and invite all of your friends to like our page.” The meal was not going to cost me that much – $15 or $20 bucks a person at most. We’re not going to some fancy restaurant. So, I temporarily made them admins of my page and had them invite all of their friends. Only admins can invite all of their friends to join a page. The social connection on Facebook is very crucial. You would not ‘like’ something because a stranger tells you to do it. You are more likely to do it when a friend tells you to do it.So, that was a crucial aspect of how we grew so fast. As we produced content, it was much more viral because our total reach was so much higher. We just kept on building up and building up. I think now we’re growing at about 800 to 1200 likes a day. It’s insane.
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