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Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Passive Profit Builder Review – $260+ for each effortless affiliate campaign

Passive Profit Builder Review – $260+ for each effortless affiliate campaign

Official site: https://goo.gl/ae5uBW
At minimum 50% commission but preferably higher. Personally I like to promote offers that are giving 1 00% at least on the front end. But depending on the price I am willing to promote products that give away a lower commission percentage if I think it will do well. For cheap offers of $1 0 or less I will usually only promote if I'm getting at least 1 00 percent commission on the front end. When products get up in the $1 7 to $27 range I will consider promoting them if they are offering at least 60% commission on the frontend. And above that price it would be a case by case basis whether I will select a lower commission or not. It really depends on the offer and if I think it's a good offer for my list. But a good rule is to always make sure you're at least getting 50 percent commission on something that you promote so that you are not wasting your time. With so many good passive profit builder review to choose from you have to make sure the commission is worth your time to promote.
$1 or more EPC The next thing that I look at is the EPC or earnings per click. And really all the EPC is is the dollar amount you will receive per click sent to the sales page. So if the EPC is a dollar and you send 50 clicks you can expect to earn around fifty dollars. This is a great indicator that a product is converting well. If you stick to promoting products that have at least a $1 EPC you can really get some great commissions.
Includes upsell Another great thing to look at is whether or not the product has upsells with commissions as well. If you're going to get a 1 00 percent commission on the front end and then an additional 50% on the back end you can really make some nice 
passive profit builder review. Some products will have really deep funnels with nice commission percentages all the way through. However keep your audience in mind when you promote a product. I don't like to send my audience through some of these really deep funnels. You know the ones, the ones that have 3 to 5 upsells on them. I usually only promote products that have a front end offer and 2 upsells at the most.This one is a bonus but it can be amazing when you promote a product that has recurring commissions. These are usually continuity programs that cost people a monthly fee. So when you promote an offer like this and you get the sell you will get commissions for every month they are a part of that program. This can be amazing because of months down the road you could still be getting commissions for products you promoted months ago.
Find products that answer a need. (There is demand) This is an often overlooked thing. Try to find products that are really in need in the marketplace to promote. Sometimes it's too easy to promote the latest traffic course or list building course but there's so many of them already out there. If somebody creates something really unique where there is a large demand for it this can be a prime opportunity to promote it. Because when there is a need for something a lot of people are going to buy.
Quality of the product
The quality ofthe products that you promote is very important. We have already discussed the importance of building trust and providing honest reviews. To add to that you want to make sure the products that you are promoting and putting your 
passive profit builder review behind are actually good products that you are happy to recommend to your audience. Not only does this build trust and authority with your subscribers but it also provides value for your audience. When you send someone to a great product that you recommend you are providing value to that person. And that is one of the best things you can do for your audience to build trust and authority. Both of which are extremely important in this business.

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