Review – Create animated videos in a blink of an eye
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Reddit is made up of “subreddits” on just about every category and topic you can
imagine. A subreddit is essentially an area of with a videoreel review or specific area of
To find subreddits, just do a search on Reddit itself:Posting to the correct “subreddit” is vital to making sure your submission doesn’t get
downvoted and lost among other posts.
Remember, you want to stay RELEVANT, and provide VALUE to the community.
Understanding “Karma” The number next to a username is what reddit calls user "karma." It reflects how much good the user has done for the reddit community. (Similar to “reputation” on most forums) As you comment and post links, you build up karma. The best way to gain karma is to submit links that other people like and vote for, though you won't get karma for self posts. Here’s how your karma looks like when you have just registered:Karma is an indication of how helpful this person is to community. You can use this as an indicator of how good you, as an marketer, understand and follow the principles of Reddit.Before doing any marketing, it’s important to build up some karma by doing things such as uploading funny images, by providing value answering questions, and by asking interesting questions in popular subreddits. You should have about 20 Link Karma and some comment Karma before proceeding.. To build some karma, in this example.. I have decided to make few videoreel review to cats related subreddit r/StartledCats/. Browsing this subreddit I made some notes to myself on what type of content people are posting, and the response on each respective post.. From what I found, almost all of the submissions are simple gif videos of startled cats. So..I did a Pinterest search for “startled cats gif”. I went through my results and picked my top cat memes..Before doing any marketing, it’s important to build up some karma by doing things such as uploading funny images, by providing value answering questions, and by asking interesting questions in popular subreddits. You should have about 20 Link Karma and some comment Karma before proceeding.. To build some karma, in this example.. I have decided to make few submissions to cats related subreddit r/StartledCats/. Browsing this subreddit I made some notes to myself on what type of content people are posting, and the response on each respective post.. From what I found, almost all of the submissions are simple gif videos of startled cats. So..I did a Pinterest search for “startled cats gif”. I went through my results and picked my top cat memes..Make it useful, provide context, and be descriptive. Don’t use phrases like, "Vote this up to spread the word!" or "AMAZING!" .. hypey headlines tend to annoy most redditors from my experience...
So how do you write engaging and high converting titles? The first step is to analyse what type of submissions are the highest in rankings those that got the most votes. Browsing, for example, /r/Fitness subreddit, we can see some common patterns in title names:
● What is the most underrated concept in videoreel review? (1 .9k Votes)
● Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 poster (2.4k Votes) this person shared a workout plan
● What's the most OVERrated concept in fitness? (600 Votes)
● What common fitness myths should all beginners be aware are FALSE?
● Who are your favorite fitness and health bloggers, figures, online communities?
● Everything you know about fitness is a lie
● Butter In Your Coffee and Other Cons: Stories From a Fitness Insider
● What is preventing you from taking your fitness to the next level? Most of these titles are open questions. Provocative statements work very well too when backed with an informative article. The next step is the body of your submission the content you are submitting there’s one simple rule you need to follow only post great content.
Understanding “Karma” The number next to a username is what reddit calls user "karma." It reflects how much good the user has done for the reddit community. (Similar to “reputation” on most forums) As you comment and post links, you build up karma. The best way to gain karma is to submit links that other people like and vote for, though you won't get karma for self posts. Here’s how your karma looks like when you have just registered:Karma is an indication of how helpful this person is to community. You can use this as an indicator of how good you, as an marketer, understand and follow the principles of Reddit.Before doing any marketing, it’s important to build up some karma by doing things such as uploading funny images, by providing value answering questions, and by asking interesting questions in popular subreddits. You should have about 20 Link Karma and some comment Karma before proceeding.. To build some karma, in this example.. I have decided to make few videoreel review to cats related subreddit r/StartledCats/. Browsing this subreddit I made some notes to myself on what type of content people are posting, and the response on each respective post.. From what I found, almost all of the submissions are simple gif videos of startled cats. So..I did a Pinterest search for “startled cats gif”. I went through my results and picked my top cat memes..Before doing any marketing, it’s important to build up some karma by doing things such as uploading funny images, by providing value answering questions, and by asking interesting questions in popular subreddits. You should have about 20 Link Karma and some comment Karma before proceeding.. To build some karma, in this example.. I have decided to make few submissions to cats related subreddit r/StartledCats/. Browsing this subreddit I made some notes to myself on what type of content people are posting, and the response on each respective post.. From what I found, almost all of the submissions are simple gif videos of startled cats. So..I did a Pinterest search for “startled cats gif”. I went through my results and picked my top cat memes..Make it useful, provide context, and be descriptive. Don’t use phrases like, "Vote this up to spread the word!" or "AMAZING!" .. hypey headlines tend to annoy most redditors from my experience...
So how do you write engaging and high converting titles? The first step is to analyse what type of submissions are the highest in rankings those that got the most votes. Browsing, for example, /r/Fitness subreddit, we can see some common patterns in title names:
● What is the most underrated concept in videoreel review? (1 .9k Votes)
● Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 poster (2.4k Votes) this person shared a workout plan
● What's the most OVERrated concept in fitness? (600 Votes)
● What common fitness myths should all beginners be aware are FALSE?
● Who are your favorite fitness and health bloggers, figures, online communities?
● Everything you know about fitness is a lie
● Butter In Your Coffee and Other Cons: Stories From a Fitness Insider
● What is preventing you from taking your fitness to the next level? Most of these titles are open questions. Provocative statements work very well too when backed with an informative article. The next step is the body of your submission the content you are submitting there’s one simple rule you need to follow only post great content.
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