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Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 10, 2016


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This is from MensHealth.com. Let's take a look at poodlepay review, and I'll show you how I would use these headlines and model them to create headlines of my own. The first one,
"Should you lift overhead? Take this 10-second test to find out." This is all about, obviously, weightlifting. I'm not in the weightlifting niche, I'm in the Internet marketing niche. I might change this and say, "Should you use paid ads on Facebook? Take this 10-second questionnaire to find out." Then you would open up the email, and I would say number one, do you need leads? Number two, are you desperate for traffic? Number three, are you spending more than you're making right now, and need to make more sales? Yes? Guess what, you do need to use Facebook ads and here's a great product you can use to do it. Next example,
"The cardio workout that's unlike any other cardio workout you've
ever tried." That's pretty obvious how you can change it, at least it is to me, I do this day in and day out. Let's just say you've got a product, “The amazing doodle software that's unlike any other doodle software
you've ever tried. ” People are going to open that up if they're interested in doodle software, and be like,
"Oh my gosh, why is this different?" Next one,
"How to build bigger, stronger quads without a leg extension
machine." These headlines are great, it's basically how to insert desired outcome without insert hassle-filled, pain-filled nightmare. How to [ desired outcome] without [ nightmare] . How to turn this into Internet marketing headline, would be
“How to get tons of people on your mailing list without spending money
on paid ads.” Or; “How to dominate Google and get number one spot on Google without
doing any 
poodlepay review. ”
“How to sell 1,001 units of your product without having to do a
labor-intensive product launch. ” That's an example. Now of course, as always, you've got to qualify this, you've got to
back these headlines up with what the product will actually do for them. Don't sell them,
"How do make a bajillion dollars in one second without lifting a
finger." Then you open it up and say,
"Well, actually you do need to do a little bit of work," that's bullshit, don't do that. Next, these ones are taken, I believe, from BuzzFeed.com, I'll give you examples here. “A woman realized she was pregnant after she saw weird data on her
Fitbit." Now that's the kind of story-based headline, it's not necessarily that easy to turn that one into an Internet marketing campaign, but you can see the idea. You can maybe put,
"Marketer realized he was getting rich after he saw his conversion
rate using this weird new trick." The next one;
"17 reasons Emily Gilmore is a masterpiece." I have no idea what Emily Gilmore is, I'm guessing is it a person, or a movie, I've no idea. Anyway, you can use this in Internet marketing.
"17 reasons you should be doing this underground Internet marketing
method." Of course then you've got to list the reasons and then you would segue into the product. Onto the next one;
"You have probably been applying sunscreen wrong your whole life." That's a great one, you read that and you're like,
"Oh my god, have I? I need to find out if I've been doing that wrong." It's the same, Internet marketing, switch it over.
"You have probably been doing link building wrong your whole life."
"You've probably been doing Facebook ads wrong for your entire life." People are like, "Have I?" They need to open it up. Curiosity, curiosity, curiosity. Let's move on to the next weapon which is… The shot gun got their attention,
the flash grenade mesmerizes them, it makes them freeze and they can't help but pay attention to what is happening next. What this is about is the opening lines inside your email, or the next line inside your blog post or your Facebook post. The shotgun method is the subject line. Racking the shotgun makes them sit up and take notice.
The flash grenade is the next line.
Very, very important. Don't go diving right into the body copy, you need to include the next line. It needs to be one line on its own. We' re talking about grabbing them
by the short and curlies so they have to read on. You want to evoke curiosity, wonder, and intrigue. Don't get down on one knee and propose to them right away, get right in there,
"Let me talk to you about this product, why it's $97, contains 56
pages, and is really good product for you to buy." Don't do that, people will turn off, they'll delete the email and stop reading.
You need to continue this curiosity train. You rack the shotgun with the curiosity-based headline earlier, don't throw that away. Don't give the game away, don't reveal the entire story, you need to do that again with the next line, the opening line in the email. To help you do this you can
study opening lines of poodlepay review, like fiction
books here
will show you how to do that, opening lines of books that you can study. That's going to help you nail this. You really want to keep it short and evoke an emotion. I'm going to give you some examples.
“I have a magic spreadsheet.” We've got their attention with a subject line, and now this is the first thing they read when they open up the email, or when they start reading the blog post, or the Facebook post, or whatever. "I have a magic spreadsheet." How could you not read on from that? Why is it magic, what's on there, how does it work? You want to read on.
“$14,422.18. ” I used that as a line, it draws people in.
“For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be in their gang. ” I actually swiped that from the beginning of the movie "Goodfellas, " where the opening line, where just have the credits rolled, it says,
"For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster." Next one,
"How the bleep does this guy sell 3,000 copies of his BS?" Now I didn't even come up with that, this is a comment somebody made on Facebook about launching products and about how certain people can sell BS and get away with it, and how other people have great products and don't sell anything. I thought it was great, it evoked a really cool emotion so I used it as an opening line in an email as a flash grenade.
It mesmerizes people and makes them read on. Another one;
"I'm making over $50,000 a month doing this." Who's going to walk away from that? They're going to read on. And another;
"What are they hiding from me?" What is who hiding from me? Who are they? The next 
poodlepay review;
“The following took place at 5:27 AM this morning

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