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Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

AscendPages Review – Create webpages in seconds

AscendPages Review – Create webpages in seconds
Official site: https://goo.gl/k3QQW1
Let’s say have a fence company and you want to target home owners. How do you narrow that down twice? You can narrow it down first by age: “This is going to be for homeowners who are 50 or older.” You can narrow it down by sex: “This is for the male homeowners.” You can narrow it down by profession: “This is for accountants who own their own home.” The more specific your niche, the easier it is to become number one in that market. You can come in and say, “I’m the world’s leading expert.”
4. Choose a Model What type of continuity 
ascendpages review are you going to create? There are dozens and dozens. I created a video a couple of years ago called, “31 Continuity Income Models.” So, we think, “What kind of model are we going to create?” The first model is what most people think of a continuity program: a membership site or an inner circle. Let’s say you’ve got a blog post called, “How I got $3,852 in 5 Minutes for Free.” Your reader sees it and says, “Oh my God. That sounds really good.” They go to click on it and it says, “Sorry, this is for inner circle members only.” If they want to become a member, it’s a dollar trial or $50 a month. You’re protecting certain content – and that’s probably the easiest way to get started, especially if you’ve chosen a really specific niche.
The Print Model You could make print newsletters with ascendpages review where you interview other experts. So maybe now your website reads, “I’m going to show you how to build your own business and every month we’re going to do a new interview with another young entrepreneur who started from scratch and is making at least $10 grand a month.” Every month, you’ll send the people in the program an audio CD and a print newsletter with it
I love print continuity programs. I just think they’re so powerful.
Nano Continuity I’ve come up with this term, Nano Continuity, which is really small, low-priced continuity programs that are $5 a month and under. These are great because there’s really low resistance, really long term stick rates, and there’s not so much pressure on you to deliver. You still want to provide a lot of value. You want to provide ten times the value you charge. So, people that are paying $5 bucks a month, should be getting at least $50 bucks a month of value.
Software Software programs are really, really, really sticky. The more of a pain it is for them to disconnect, the more they’re going to stay. Think of shopping carts and auto-responder services. It’s very hard for you to leave those services. Software is probably the most profitable model. But you have to be careful because you need to have the support in the back end ready for that. All it really takes is one screw up in code and it could be a disaster. So you have to be really prepared, but when you have a good software program, you make money forever.
TOOLS OF THE TRADE I’m not a tech person. I literally know two programs: Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. That’s all I need. I can outsource everything else. If you’re a tech geek, what ends up happening is that you spend all of your 
ascendpages review doing the technical stuff when you should be spending it on marketing.
Website Now, if you’re doing something like software, you obviously need a programmer. You’re going to have to have a programmer do all the techy crap that programmers do. I’m a big fan of setting up a blog and I use WordPress. I think that everyone should use WordPress.

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